AniMafia Gang

The Team
I’m Matt the Penguin, I have had my xbox live name for 16 years and my favourite game is Mount and Blade. But we all know you are more interested in the cat, his name is Merlin and yes he is actually magic.
Hi I’m Ash, but you can call me Mr Fox (please don’t do that…). I’ve loved games my whole life and ever since Halo Infinite came out my social life has suffered immensely! But it’s worth it just to hear that announcer say Doooouble Kill.
I am the Polar Bear of the AniMafia Tobi and when I was 7 I won a gold medal for High Jump but then found out I was the only person competing in my age group. (True story) Ever since this embarrassment I’m sunk my spare time into all sorts of gaming goodness