Bieres Sans Frontieres
Charlbury Beer Festival
Michael is the Chairman of the Beer Festival for 2022 and so by default is the captain of our team. To be fair, he’s done most of the work in getting us where we are today, and would appear at first glance to be the most sensible amongst us.
Ed is our festival infrastructure maestro, so we’re hoping this skill set extends to map reading and basic car mechanics. Ed mysteriously disappeared off to Switzerland as soon as we signed up for the challenge and hasn’t been seen since.
Matt has extensive experience of unreliable cars breaking down in awkward places, so will feel at home with the Peugeot, even if he can’t fit in it. He’s only here for the beer anyway.
Neil is our social media guru and chief photographer. He negotiated a good price on the car using his Scouse charm, so it’s his fault if it’s a dud.