Twin Town Challenge logo 2020

Friday 29th April - Monday 2nd May 2022


Homebase Rock All Stars

Homebase Management


Specialising in selling, renting and managing property our team of rock legends (with a twist) are trying their hand at driving an old banger to France, will they make it? will they end up on the bus of shame? Who knows! What we do know is there will be a lot of blood, sweat and beers to raise money for SpecialEffects.
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The Car

The Team

Chris - Captain

The boss man, a lovable chap who loves to spend time with his family, play rugby and paddleboard although not all at the same time! Will these skills help get the banger to France….not likely.


Has the gift of the gab and doesn’t know when to be quiet. Another family man, he loves family time and social time. If only hot air will help power the car!


Well educated and can’t handle his drink. He loves a good laugh with his Mrs, friends & cat. Will be on map reading duty to give us half a chance of finding our way.


Some may think that as the only lady she’s the mother of the group, you couldn’t be more wrong, (especially with Tim taking up the old woman role on tour) Danni will no doubt be causing lots of mischief.

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